Our Latest Perspectives

Travel APIs
An introduction about how Travel APIs affect the current industry along with the impacts the pandemic has had on it. APIs act as primary connectivity enablers for the Travel Technology Industry.…
Hybrid integration in today's rapidly evolving era of digital disruption, is gaining momentum with each passing day. Large enterprises and mid-sized firms must modernize their integration strategy…
Workato Integration
Raising a disparate digital ecosystem is as good as not raising one. When your IT landscape is scattered, you have a sluggish, cumbersome, inefficient, and high-cost service model that takes too…
Thumbnail - Gain Business Agility with Our Apigee-Led, API-Powered Approach
Kellton is a trusted Google Cloud Apigee partner. We help enterprises across industries build the right API Strategy by enabling end-to-end API management to unlock the real value of their data.  …
Thumbnail - Fix Performance Gaps with Our Jitterbit iPaaS Expertise
Shedding the rigidity of a siloed IT infrastructure is crucial to creating exponential business outcomes with agility, scalability, and insight.As a trusted Jitterbit iPaaS Integration partner,…